Our clinic staff may offer you a pelvic exam to address certain symptoms you may be experiencing, like changes in your discharge, bleeding outside of your period, or pain during sex.

A pelvic exam is a check-up of the vulva, vagina, and cervix (opening of the uterus, inside the vagina). During the exam, we may put a metal or plastic speculum inside your vagina to get a better look at any symptoms you may be having.

A Pap smear may also be done during a pelvic exam.

Pelvic Exam & Pap Smear Facts Sheet
Download Options:


Log in and click on the “Get My Results” button. It usually takes about three weeks to get your Pap smear results. If your result isn’t available at three weeks, call us at 628-217-6600.

If your Pap smear is normal, we will not contact you. If your Pap smear is abnormal, we’ll call you and/or send you a letter. We’ll discuss with you what we should do as follow-up. We may need to refer you to another clinic.

  1. Feldman, S., Goodman, A., Peipert, J.F. (2018, December). Screening for cervical cancer. UpToDate. Retrieved from
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, November 16). Genital HPV Infection - Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

What Our Patients Say...

“I am now happily married and have a brand new baby daughter.
Most importantly, since my diagnosis, I have a renewed sense of self-compassion, self-care, and compassion towards others. I have joy in my life!”

~ SFCC Client

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