What a great question! PrEP is just one of several HIV prevention tools; deciding to take PrEP is a personal choice. As you say, people who only top statistically have a lower chance of acquiring HIV- according to the CDC, 0.1% as the top compared to 1% as the bottom (receptive anal sex). Some things to consider in deciding if PrEP is right for you: -Is your sex partner truly HIV negative, are they taking PrEP correctly, do you want control over HIV prevention by taking PrEP, are you ok with the small risk associated with getting HIV as a top if not on PrEP and not using condoms?
Overall PrEP is very safe and highly effective and is recommended for people at risk for acquiring HIV. Feel free to talk to staff at City Clinic or your health care provider about how to take PrEP. If you don't think you're high enough risk to take PrEP everyday, you can talk to your provider about just taking PrEP before and after you have sex. This is called 2-1-1 PrEP and is a good option for some men. Talk to your provider to learn more about it and to make sure you understand how to use 2-1-1 PrEP correctly.